Montag, 3. Mai 2010

Dosis sola facit venenum - An Island Drowns

Lighthearted. I savour.

Exuberant. I don't mind.

Wild. I won't resist.

Unhibited. I gamble.

Befogged. I sicken.

When you ask me for a dance. I might say yes.

When you turn my head. I philander.

When you trip me up. I fall.

When you dull. I loathe.

Shattered. You debunk.

Black out. You sadden.

Oblivious. You betray.

You relax. You cheer.

You numb. You daze. You deafen.

Random. You are welcome.

Frequent. You turn nasty.

Habitual. You scare me away.

The occasion is your scepter.

The reason is your crown.

You have a million faces. You write a million stories.

You distort a million realities. You steal a million memories.

A million little deaths.

One formula.



March 14, 1882.

I have not had a large experience in the matter of alcoholic drinks. I find that about two glasses of champagne are an admirable stimulant to the tongue, and is, perhaps, the happiest inspiration for an after dinner speech which can be found; but, as far as my experience goes, wine is a clog to the pen, not an inspiration. I have never seen the time when I could write to my satisfaction after drinking even one glass of wine. As regards smoking, my testimony is of the opposite character. [...] I smoke with all my might, and allow no intervals.

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