Round and round and round it goes. Moons revolve around their planet, planets revolve around their star, and stars revolve around their galaxial centre. And me, I revolve around a million galaxial and non-galaxial objects but I rotate simply and solely around myself. Each solar day on earth and consequently 86,400 seconds per day I rotate and spin around myself. By natural law, a three-dimensional object rotates always around an imaginary line, the rotation axis. I am three-dimensional - at least more often than not - and my imaginary rotation axis is me - consisting of my attention, awareness, consciousness, reason and emotions. I might gain angular momentum from my environment but when I spin, I spin around myself - for better or for worse. I have one self-awareness to be aware with, I have got two feet to fill my own shoes, and when everything around me descends into chaos and disappears, I have no choice but to remain at my side. When the going gets tough, I can turn my back on everything and everyone but myself. 86,400 seconds a day, I keep my own company and even when I sink into the sweet oblivion of sleep, it is my own consciousness that is reduced or absent. It is not yours, it is not theirs. So, whether I want to or not, whether I like it or not, I rotate around myself. And when I finally manage to revolve around you and them, I will have rotated around me many times over. The rotation of the earth takes approximately 24 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds. It's revolution around the sun takes 365 and 1/4 days.
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