Samstag, 2. Oktober 2010

Mala malus mala mala dat

Today's topic is hard to swallow for someone who counts on the basic goodness of humanity. Today's topic is hard to cough up for someone who inhales euphemisms just as artlessly as oxygen. Today's topic is The Evil and the impeachment of it's existence.

Before I try to get to the bottom of this unsavoury matter, I shall utter, however, that I presuppose that we all share a common understanding of what is good and what is evil, and I will build my thoughts upon the assumption that our acquis communautaire is the moral idea that has been established with Kant's categorical imperative: "Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

This moral law unveils the evil at one blow. The shape of the evil, however, is a blind spot. It is the gown it wears that bestows the imprint on it's blank face. And gowns, it has a great many. Today it may appear as the incarnate portrait of the depraved dressed in a black cloak, whereas tomorrow it might skip impetuously around the corner as a smug beau. It remains uncertain, though, if the evil cultivates such images of it's selfs to serve our ideas or if it has established itself within them as one of it's numerous identities. No matter which of the latter may afflict us, one thing comes always with it: it's draconian grip, it's relentless breath that it blows into our defenceless necks and the stifling severity of it's company.

But the evil doesn't exist autonomously. The evil is born from two like-minded figures that bear the names Egoism and Greed for Power. It's parental home has a sign over the door that says Selfishness and in the backyard Empathy and Justice are laid to rest.

When it comes to the Evil's life expectancy, I refuse and will hopefully always refuse to give up my naivité and my trust in the good. I do hope that some of the evils will die if you treat them with either tenacious ignorance from above or fight them openly with an adament sense of justice from within. I do hope that the good shall triumph over the evil simply because I have to believe in humanity at large; and I will cling to my greenness as long as I can - even if some might call me a fool.

"For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." ~ William Shakespeare

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