My dear Athena,
I address you today as I hope to fall on sympathetic ears with a fairly dubious matter.
As the guardian of wisdom, I am sure you agree that some things make more sense than others and that some don’t make sense at all. Still being the compulsive rationalist that you left behind last time we met, I tend to prefer the simple cases that can be justified and explained without cognitive compromises and pretexts.
Deductive reasoning has always been my walking stick, and paradoxically as well as logically it also is the spanner in my works.
“There are phenomena that can’t be explained” to me is no valid argument. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The only phenomenon that leaves things unexplained is insufficient brain capacity. And I am sure you won’t argue with me about that. But if you do, please don’t expect me to be convinced. My opinion is firmly nailed to the grounds of my conception in this instance, and the only person that could make me change my mind is myself.
I must confess, however, that lately I have been under some self-induced pressure for failing to offer an explanation for a certain occurrence. Absurdly enough, I am not lacking an explanation for something nonsensical but for something that is extremely sensible. At least, or rather exclusively in an emotional respect (which might be the cause of the problem). This something simply feels right, it instinctively and intuitively makes sense – very clearly, although my reason holds at least ten counterarguments in each hand. But for some reason or another, my emotions prove to be more stubborn than usual. Or maybe they merely turned deaf in a state of shock as they won’t listen.
So I decided to resign for now and place my bet on you and your marvels.
Hoping that I won’t fall victim to the same fate as the little liked Cassandra and believing in your skills, let me do a desperate prediction. My emotions will soon come to senses, I prophesy. My emotions will soon fold and quit, I predict. My emotions will soon admit that they were mistaken. For it just doesn’t make sense. It can’t make sense. It mustn't.
Since, really, how much sense does it make that a solar eclipse taints my sanity more than the innumerable days of sun? How much sense does it make that something became present inside myself so unnoticeably that it was able to hook itself deeply into the walls of my consciousness with barbs as strong as titanium? How much sense does it make that a lightweight dayfly leaves a deeper footprint on my affective membrane than a heavyweight ox? How much sense does it make that something makes so much sense without having any sense? How much sense does it make?
I shall await the favour of your reply and remain
Sincerely yours,
"Yet, mad with zeal, and blinded with our fate,
We haul along the horse in solemn state;
Then place the dire portent within the tow'r.
Cassandar cried, and curs'd th'd unhappy hour;
Foretold our fate; but, by the god's decree,
All heard, and none believ'd the prophecy."
~ Aeneid 2.323, Virgil