Dear Apollo,
It is the end of the day. And twenty-four times sixty thoughts are now allowed to ponderously trickle from my consciousness into the easing groundwater of the past. On the top of my mind one thing remains present, however, and not even fatigue and will are able to wash it away.
And so I lay back in my chair to listen to the day dripping away and the murmuring of the one thing that remains up in the air.
The air that I have to breath in for better or for worse.
The one thing that resembles a person that is the spitting image of you. You.
And believe me, please, the only counterweight I can provide to this image is capitulation. But what is the difference, really, between being conquered and capitulation?
While I am drawing up this letter with a surrendering hand, I am not paying any attention to the legibility of my handwriting, for this letter won't ever be sent. This letter won't ever be read. Unjustified it will smoulder in a mirrored box. There are a million song lines that I could quote in this regard and even more legendary theatre monologues that I could recite but I won't. This isn't about pathos and drama, and even less it is about heroics. I never asked to be a protagonist in this episode of circumstance. I stumbled into it by chance.
I wish I could simply make use of our dear fellow oblivion, I wish I could simply ignore whatever it is. And you might realise, that I am deliberately reluctant here to call it by its name. Even to my own ears, every volunteering noun sounds downright foolish.
But, why do I care anyway? Namelessness doesn't turn it into something less eminent, a name, however, could turn it into something real. And this would be the point, where the rope I am dancing on would start to quiver.
I have been trying hard, for months on end, to keep the balance. And I used every tool I could find in my cabinet of defiance and my drawers of fear to not lose my footing. I tried one month of ratio. One month of ignorance. One month of distraction. And one of contempt.
In the end, you raise your finger, and ratio, ignorance, distraction and contempt bow at your feet and roll out the red carpet for something that in the end might not need a name. It wouldn't change a thing.
Nothing would change.
It is what it is. A spade is a spade.
I resign.
I won't ever find out what gets caught in the sieve of your mind in the end of your day. Do I want to find out? I guess it is for you to tell me.
But as it won't be sent, this letter is nothing more than an unheard soliloquy. Let me raise the flag, however, before I lay my head to rest, for every capitulation comes along with relinquishment. Let's call it by it's real name:
This letter is nothing more than an unheard profession of love.
Yours faithfully,
"The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo." ~ William Shakespeare